jennifer fliss
My short story collection, As If She Had a Say is out from Northwestern University Press/Curbstone Books. Order it here!
As If She Had a Say was selected as the June Book Club pic at The Rumpus! Learn more here.
My flash collection, The Predatory Animal Ball came out in December 2021.
I have a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin and a certificate in Literary Fiction from the University of Washington. I've been nominated several times for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net, and was selected for inclusion in the Best Small Fictions anthology in 2019, 2022, and 2024. My over 200 creative writing pieces have appeared in print and online in places like The Rumpus, PANK, The Washington Post, F(r)iction, The Kitchn, and elsewhere. I was the 2018/2019 Pen Parentis Fellow, and a recipient of a 2019 Artist Trust GAP award.
When not doing things associated with writing, I can be found reading, thrifting, doing aerial silks and trapeze, pining for New York, and intellectually sparring with my young daughter.